Who Really Bombed the WTC ? "Dick Gregory"

Item#/SKU: dgWTC

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Credited with opening many doors for black entertainers, Dick Gregory found comedy an expedient avenue for getting people's attention. His participation in the civil rights movement of the 1960s also is well documented, as are his efforts for world peace. He is the author of Dick Gregory's Natural Diet for Folks Who Eat! and an autobiography, Nigger.
  • Dick Gregory speaks about the September 11th incident!
  • Brother Gregory has the key's to the whole plot
  • Hear how he explains the CIA involvement
  • Watch as he show's Who Knew What and When
  • See and Hear the truth!
  • Learn how to protect yourself and be ready for the future
  • Filmed in NYC
  • Day's after the event (10-3-01)
  • Run time 120 mins
  • Slight technical problems with audio
  • Video is crisp and clear
  • A Must have for thoose who seek the truth
  • Available in VHS & DVD